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5 Magical Properties of Angelica Root

Apr 23, 2023

2 min read




Angelica root and leaves have a long history of use in traditional medicine, dating back to ancient times. This herb has been known for its many health benefits, but it also has a rich history of magical properties. In this blog post, we will explore the magical properties of angelica root and leaves and how they can be used in various magical practices.

  1. Protection

Angelica root and leaves have strong protective properties and are often used in protection spells and rituals. This herb is believed to ward off negative energy and protect against evil spirits. It can be carried in a sachet or amulet for personal protection or used in a room or home to protect against negative energy.

  1. Purification

Angelica root and leaves are also believed to have purifying properties and are often used in purification rituals. This herb can help to cleanse the energy of a space or object, making it an excellent choice for rituals or ceremonies that require a clean and purified environment.

  1. Healing

Angelica root and leaves have a long history of use in traditional medicine, and their healing properties extend to magical practices as well. This herb is believed to have the power to heal both physical and emotional ailments. It can be used in healing rituals to promote physical or emotional healing and to help bring balance and harmony to the body.

  1. Divination

Angelica root and leaves are believed to have divinatory properties and can be used in divination rituals or practices. This herb can help to open the third eye and enhance psychic abilities, making it an excellent choice for those who are interested in exploring their psychic abilities or receiving spiritual guidance.

  1. Love and Attraction

Angelica root and leaves are believed to have properties that can help to attract love and enhance romantic relationships. This herb can be used in love spells or rituals to help bring two people together or to enhance the love and passion in an existing relationship.

In conclusion, angelica root and leaves have many magical properties that can be used in various magical practices. From protection and purification to healing and divination, this herb is a versatile and powerful addition to any magical practice. As with any magical practice, it is important to approach the use of angelica root and leaves with respect and reverence and to seek the guidance of an experienced practitioner.


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