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A Friendly Reminder

Apr 22, 2017

1 min read




A friendly reminder with me, when it comes to me, it’s all about business. When I welcomed John Dee and others, its business. I dont jump in bed emotionally like so many others do. He could be the biggest asshole on the planet and I could care less. I have thick skin and hes a smart business asshole. Working in the corporate world gives me a different viewpoint on these things and people will not understand that. I do business! with kratom vendors. Take me and Billy Weaver for example, we may not like each other, but I still reviewed his shit and it was great, and those reviews are still up for the world to read. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. I am not in a personal relationship with any of these people. My beef with NACU is because they still have yet to tell me why I was blocked. That is unprofessional and for those people who back them up, I expect more professionalism and maturity. And yes, when you see me “adminning” for certain vendors, guess what, they are putting MONEY IN MY POCKET, WE ARE DOING BUSINESS! It’s none of your business to wonder why Shaunna is an admin for Breezy Tress or Kats KShop. Quit being a busy body and get a life. You seriously dont know who the hell i am, so it’s best to take the knowledge and free shit I give away and be mature and stop the gossip and pondering. THANK YOU. That is all.

Apr 22, 2017

1 min read





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