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Does Collagen Really Work?

Sep 18, 2022

3 min read




Did you know that 90% of the collagen sold on Amazon, in social media ads, and in stores are gimmicks? They’ve jumped on the latest beauty trend, convincing you that their product is the exception. But did you know there is truly only one way to consume collagen or rather enough collagen, for it to even WORK the way it should in the first place? I’m gonna help narrow down your options for you so you don’t fall prey to wasting hundreds of dollars a month on this new fad.

Ill begin with the bottom line before explaining why: There is simply not enough information out there (proven data). At this time, non-industry-funded research on collagen supplements is lacking. Natural collagen production is supported through a healthy and balanced diet by eating enough protein foods, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and reducing lifestyle risk factors (plus drinking a crap ton of water). There is not a single collagen producer who will make any claims without insisting that you must also have the above in order to see any benefit….. which would benefit you regardless WITHOUT their collagen.

Now I’m not saying there aren’t collagen products out there that definitely give results, BUT it is DEFINITELY because of a few small prints that you are doing right alongside their collagen that should also get the credit for any benefits shown. Vitamin C is required for collagen to even begin to benefit your body (synthesis), so you’ll notice a lot of these products have a lot of vitamin C in them. So perhaps you are just receiving the benefits of drinking these full glasses of water with vitamin C and other nutrition.

That being said, I have tried many various collagen products and could have sworn I saw benefits. Call them placebo all you want: sure, maybe. But my mind didn’t make my nails grown fast right after drinking that for a week.

When I read up on medical knowledge pretty much exposing the collagen industry, I started to do research on the products that did work for me and why that might have been.

#1 The high vitamin C levels and water intake.

Water is hydrating. No surprise there.

Benefits of drinking water

  1. carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells.

  2. flushing bacteria from your bladder.

  3. aiding digestion.

  4. preventing constipation.

  5. normalizing blood pressure.

  6. cushioning joints.

  7. protecting organs and tissues.

  8. regulating body temperature.

And just like Calcium and magnesium need each other to produce it’s benefits, so does vitamin C, water, and collagen.

I recommend you purchase this collagen, and drinking it along with a full gallon of water a day (or calulated to match what your unique body needs), and vitamin C tablets or Vit C water flavoring. Within the first three days, you will notice an IMMEDIATE difference along with numerous changes throughout your body.

  1. Dewiness, glow

  2. Joints will move better

  3. Skin will look more clear, cellulite dimishing,

  4. You will begin to lose weight effortlessly IF combined with healthy foods, dieting, intermetent fasting, etc.

  5. You’ll feel fuller looker, and will notice you are not eating as much.

No matter what product life throws our way, one thing is certain: We will never escape the only way we can get healthy and lose weight…..and that’s eating healthy. No magic pill or collagen product unfortunately.

#tricks #skincare #beauty #collagen #natural #skin

Sep 18, 2022

3 min read





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