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Kratom & Constipation

May 12, 2021

3 min read




If you are a long time kratom consumer, you know that kratom can cause constipation. Though it is not something all people deal with, it is more likely to be an issue for you if you take larger amounts of kratom, daily and consistently, verses the occasional recreational consumer. Simply cutting back will help with avoiding constipation, but what if you consume kratom for a non-recreational reason? Those living with chronic issues like pain or anxiety don’t usually have the option to “cut back”. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can avoid being constipated or stop being constipated while continuing to consume kratom.

1. Drink a lot of water. Drinking water has a multitude of benefits, so this is something most don’t have an issue doing to help with the constipation. However, with those who toss and wash as their method of consuming kratom, more water is necessary. Often times water alone doesn’t stop the constipation issue. They usually have to combine it with one of the following ways.

Medical professionals typically recommend drinking 32 to 48 ounces of water every day. This may be more depending on your lifestyle.

You should drink when you first wake up and continue regularly throughout the day. Making kratom tea is the best method recommended if constipation is a reoccurring issue.

2. Take probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that do wonders for your digestive system. They are found in sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kombucha. Probiotics can provide significant relief if you consume them often enough and they are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Eating yogurt for breakfast 3 days a week or drinking kombucha instead of soda can do wonders for you!

3. Use Mineral Oil. Mineral oil is another popular option. It helps to lubricate the intestinal tract and helps the stool pass through. Do not ingest mineral oil right before eating because it can interfere with the absorption of important nutrients. Instead, take 15 to 20 ml a couple hours before or after eating.

4. Starting exercising! Ugh I know, but exercising is a great way to end your constipation while also benefiting your overall health. The type of exercise doesn’t matter that much, but some do help more than others. Aerobic exercise like walking, running, or swimming can help to regulate your digestive system. Stretching can also be very beneficial.

5. Take magnesium. Magnesium can help with constipation and the discomfort that comes with it. You can use milk of magnesia or magnesium citrate. They work by bringing water into your bowels. This will help your digestive system move along like it is supposed to. You shouldn’t take these products very often, but they can be good to relieve your constipation as you wait for other methods to work.

Not only that, but magnesium can also work as a potentiator for kratom!

6. Eat healthy! We should all try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. They help with hydration and contain dietary fiber. Soluble fiber will help you stay regular. Try not to consume too much insoluble fiber which is found in beans. Instead, opt for berries, green veggies, carrots, and apples!

Conclusion: It may take some trial and error to discover which of the methods works best for you. It is best to combine methods until you find relief. You may want to increase water, fruit, and vegetable intake and drink kratom tea to find long term relief.

#constipation #kratom #kratomtea


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