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Kratom is Pissing Me Off

Nov 1, 2016

2 min read




Have you ever came to a standstill with a strain you use to boast about for so long? Frustration comes and you find yourself with massive anxiety and shit? Ok, maybe it’s just me, but the detoxing from Cymbalta and needing to rely PURELY ON KRATOM has stretched my patience and faith to the limits. Does kratom truly have what I need for my chronic pain, mood swings? I haven’t fully answered my own question yet. Maybe I will by the time I finish this post…..

“I feel like once I find one I over do it with that strain or blend and then I’m back to square one.”  – Steph Rose

Steph knows what’s up. The all the praise certain strains get, it is soon overpowered by another one and another AND ANOTHER. Surely with all of these “amazing” strains and blends, kratom would be even more popular, world renown and the cure-all supplement. However, the fact is, kratom is honestly just a strong multi-vitamin. It could be construed as being the equivalent to taking three B vitamins and a caffeine pill OR a pain pill that is one step up from 800 mg of ibuprofen. It is not enough to handle the hardest health issues we might deal with in our lives. Even the most avid consumer has taken some other prescription med for issue in which kratom is simply not cutting it.

I took a leap of faith, detoxed off of all of my nerve medication, so now my nerves can feel again. I feel the pain, but instead of looking for my next script to try, I’m turning to holistic options, everything alternative. It’s been a rough ride, but I have learned so much during these past few weeks. I’ve learned to listen to my body, read and catch the signs, the things that happen when I do or take a strain.

Nov 1, 2016

2 min read





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