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The Buddy System

Jan 18, 2017

2 min read




In the kratom community, there seems to be a few arrogance asses sprinkled with over zealot newbies amongst some bored hypocritical house wives that get offended from someone else’s personal opinion while they gleefully give their own. BUT every once in a while, you run into someone who knows what they’re talking about, and it’s a glorious breath of fresh air!  They talk like they at least graduated high school and gives a lot back to the community with knowledge and a good image. They know the importance of “the buddy system”. They don’t stay in the kratom bubble. They realize that branching out to those that have “been there, done that” is important and valuable for our goal as a community.


The MJ community knows what it is like to fight for a plant, to have it taken from you, to have to picket and march, create memes and spread social media campaigns to get their message out. They know how it feels to have the laws go back and forth, for them and against them. It is therefore important that you utilize that similar situation and seek out the knowledge that they have, follow what they did, be encouraged by their example.

What is it about the pot users that speaks wonders as the world slowly begins to accept them? Most professional, reputable people are coming out and representing. That in and of itself is a powerful statement. The image is cleaner now and the sources respectable. It’s proven to be medically important for the majority suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, pain, cancer and so much more.

It’s important to not forget that we have a group of people that understand what we are going through, fighting for a plant. It’s important we educate ourselves and seek their help when we feel the need. High Times featured kratom and supported the cause during the ban scare of 2016. I loved seeing that. That is something we should continue to build on. It’s not just about kratom, it’s about holistic alternatives, choosing plant over pills.


#mj #holistic #causes #plantoverpoison #pot #marches #kratom #news #natural

Jan 18, 2017

2 min read





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