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The Holy Oil: A History, The Reason I Work with This Oil

Feb 4, 2022

4 min read





A big focus on my unique spirituality that I share with you is derived from my Christian roots. I grew up Christian with a sprinkle of paganism (Norsism from my Dad). That is probably why I have a very odd perspective (rather an OPEN perspective) of God and life. The history of the Christian church might have begun with holy and blessed anointing, but the church quickly became corrupt, turning into what we call another religion today – Catholicism – oddly enough. They did a lot of damage to society throughout generations. Of course, there were honorable ones amongst the shits, but it was by no means the majority.

Christianity today seems to have slowly moved back to its original roots as best as possible. Many are still attempting it, whereas many more are trying to create another horrendous version of history repeating itself. These Christian churches make wrong calls, support wrong things, stand by viewpoints that they shouldn’t, and try to take over any other viewpoint with the dominance of the “You’re wrong, I’m right” approach.

That is NOT what I took from my Christian roots. I took the humble, love thy neighbor teachings with me while I did my own spiritual healing and journey.

History Lesson

Fast forward and here I am, creating oils, studying viewpoints, sitting with my loud mind, trying to sift through its ramblings only to come to this conclusion. You cannot place God in a book. Yes, He is the Bible, that’s “His” word, but He is also so much more than that. He lives in us. He lives in nature. He lives in the universe. When we travel through the stars, He’s there. When we land on the moon, He’s there. When we are amongst “sinners” in a club, He’s there, trying to reach someone. The Bible holds the tools and teachings on God, God’s history (history is so important to know and remember!), the present testament of how we are to live today, and the future tellings of what’s to come. But, to put EVERYTHING in only the Bible is pure ignorance. This shows the lack of actually reading the Bible, for the Bible states: Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. John 21:25.

Jesus did not walk about with a fully intact Bible, saying follow THIS, THIS RIGHT HERE, THIS is my Word, THIS beautifully put together Bible contains the ONLY THINGS you should be learning about me from.

No…. No, He didn’t.

Many argue the verse in Revelations: “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it.” (Deut. 4:2; compare Deut. 12:32.). They claim this means there should never be anything added to “the Bible”, or changed. When actually, theologians all agree that this verse is strictly speaking of the Book of Revelations only [read those findings here].

Therefore, seeking God and finding Him in other areas is expected and required of a true believer. And THAT is exactly what I do in my life and what I share with you.

Using the Holy Anointing Oil

The Bible mentioned oils 77 times. It is a heavily worked-with substance of great importance, gifted to baby Jesus (amongst other herbs and spices), and used to perform many rituals throughout scripture. There is one oil recipe that was given in the Old Testament that I use in many of my creations: The Holy Anointing Oil (Hebrew: ??? ????? shemen ha-mishchah, “oil of anointing” used by many practicing Jews today). The primary purpose of anointing with the holy anointing oil was to sanctify, to set the anointed person or object apart as qodesh, or “holy” (Exodus 30:29). Originally, the oil was used exclusively for the priests and the Tabernacle articles, but its use was later extended to include kings (1 Samuel 10:1), and now us simpletons 🙂

Ways I use Holy Anointing Oil

  1. I create intention oils to use for rituals, to increase the energy, blessings, and power around me and my prayers.

  2. I massage my husband with it. I see this as blessing my marriage and the relationship between him and me.

  3. sometimes use it in prayer, praying over another person.

  4. I add a few drops in a bath for healing.


When it comes to spiritual rituals and traditions, no one has a right to input their opinion on them. It’s like inputting their opinion on how another is wiping their ass: Oh make sure you are doing front to back. That is the ONLY way to do it. STFU. Nobody cares. It’s rude, out of line, out of place, and simply wrong. We all know it’s not an “opinion.” It’s judgment. Opinion has become a popular word to use to cast judgment on another without looking like a Revival Christian from the ’70s.

#holyoil #oil #ritual #tradition


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