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What Kratom Is. What Kratom Is Not.

Jan 24, 2021

3 min read




Written By Kami Ann Davis ??

Kratom is a coffee tree plant from Southeast Asia. Kratom is derived from a tropical evergreen coffee tree. Kratom produces leaves in which Indonesian farmers chew and suck on, for energy and pain relief, to help with working long hours in the sun.

Kratom is a weak partial agonist. Kratom does attach to the receptors in the brain, however; it doesn’t attach fully. Therefore, it doesn’t cause respiratory depression like morphine-like opioids. Naturally occurring Kratom is a safe herbal supplement. Kratom is a food, not a drug. Therefore, Kratom is a dietary supplement, ALSO. The FDA recognizes dietary supplements as food. In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) defined dietary supplements as a category of food, which put them under different regulations than drugs. They are considered safe, until proven otherwise.

The American Kratom Association has been fighting the FDA, tooth and nail. They want to discuss with them, the science that backs this plant up and the fact that Kratom is a dietary supplement/food. Therefore, it should be treated as such. The FDA has ignored the AKA’s request for a meeting, for 757 days. That is a total of 2 years now ..that the FDA has ignored them. Please support Sir Mac Haddow, Senior Fellow on Public Policy for the American Kratom Association and donate @ American Kratom Association – Home

What Kratom IS NOT ~ Kratom is not a deadly opioid. Kratom is not a full-agonist opioid. Kratom is NOT an opioid. Therefore, it does not produce the same withdrawals. Kratom is not addictive like morphine-like opioids. Kratom is not a synthetic substance. For the majority, Kratom does not produce withdrawals that are hard to deal with.

Kratom is not derived from any opioid plant. It’s not even in the same family. Nor, is it chemically made up the same.

Kratom is not highly addictive. Kratom doesn’t cause people to steal and beg, while taking it. Kratom doesn’t cause people to go to jail. So far, Kratom alone, doesn’t cause death or overdose. We are not saying it can’t. However, to date, there are no records of death or overdose. Kratom is NOT a drug.

Kratom Bible

Dosage Conversion Chart | Kratom Science

Kratom and it’s relation to the Rubiaceae Family

Trouble Free Ideas

Kratom Strains Bali

List of Alkaloids Courtesy of Kratom Science and Mr. Brian Sloover

Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine ~ Studies were done on Kratom consumers, who had a long history of daily consumption and even after discontinuation, no participant experienced any discomfort or potential for withdrawal.

Abuse potential ~ 8 factor Kratom

The abuse potential of kratom according the 8 factors of the controlled substances act: implications for regulation and research

Mitragynine/Corynantheidine Pseudoindoxyls As Opioid Analgesics with Mu Agonism and Delta Antagonism, Which Do Not Recruit ?-Arrestin-2

Mitragynine/Corynantheidine Pseudoindoxyls As Opioid Analgesics with Mu Agonism and Delta Antagonism, Which Do Not Recruit ?-Arrestin-2

Dietary Supplements Are A Food


Hi there.. My name is Kami Davis and I am a Psychiatric Nurse. I am also a Kratom Advocate and Consumer for 3 years. I am District Captain for California, for the American Kratom Association, fighting every single day to keep Kratom legal. Besides having mad passion about this magical, miracle healing plant Kratom, Mitragyna Speciosa; I am also a single mother to an incredible 16-year old boy, who will be entering firefighting academy soon. I have decided to blog about Kratom, in hopes of clearing up the misconceptions there are, within the media and various social platforms. I’m on a mission to dispel lies surrounding this plant but also in hopes of bringing my Kratom family here to help spread their truth as well. My goal is to share hundreds of testimonies. You just wait and see, because we warriors UNITE. Love and Hugs to You All!

#kratom #whatiskratom


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