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Why Some Vendors Are Expensive

Apr 23, 2017

2 min read




It is a common thing to see a vendor who charges nearly double than what another may charge. We instantly want to get mad and accuse them of guzzling money and cheating people, but in reality, they are running their business based on their personal expenses and needs, and who are we to judge that?

Some of us know what it is like in the corporate world, the politics, the cheating the scandals–they happen every day. No community escapes it. It is like Republicans and Democrats, both having good points and bad points, both being known for certain things. Republicans are apparently greedy, but I bet you most of the republicans would disagree with that and simply say that they put their money to good use and know what to invest in and what not to invest in, etc. Same goes for the kratom community: pick a side based on your personal understanding. I understand why some charge more because I know how MOST run a business. You don’t even want to know how much I hate Goodwill. You wanna talk money hungry, they’re the perfect example of guzzling selfishly. They charge newly retail prices for USED items and make a shitload while many can barely afford Goodwill! Business can be dirty, but hey–I bet the CEO has his reasons.

Sometimes it can be based on where the vendor lives. If rent costs 3,000 a month in Silicon Valley, then the vendor’s prices will be somewhat on the high side (and that would be a given). If the vendor lives in redneckville, or lives with their parents, their prices will probably be more reasonable because they are desperate for customers. Believe me, charging too little will screw up the balance in the kratom community as well as that cheap vendor’s company itself (eventually).

I will add though that if a vendor seems to be charging higher prices and making some good money, they are required then to have BEAUTIFUL packaging in my opinion. That’s where I draw the line when it comes to accepting these two sides of the coin. People will pay for image, they will pay for look, as well as quality. If you know you have the best, charge more! That’s how business is done. Charge enough to take care of yourself, your family and your responsibilities, but also charge the correct amount that the majority can reasonably afford. Check the market, check the stats, see how much the average consumer is paying for an ounce of kratom and find a reasonable ground to work on or you might not get ANY customers because of charging too much.

Here, read how Mr Kratom explains some things along these lines.

Apr 23, 2017

2 min read





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