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Mitragyna Hirsuta: A New Kratom Alternative

Jul 13, 2021

3 min read




Wanna speed through this article? Link on the key sections:

What is Hirsuta Hirsuta vs kratom (and Stem & Vein) What are the benefits of Hirsuta How do you consume Hirsuta

What is Hirsuta

Hirsuta is like kratom’s little sister. Mitragyna Hirsuta is apart of the same family, just like the coffee bean (Rubiacease family). The leaves are green with a light green/white veins. They are smaller than the kratom leaves in size, but hold a similar structural appearance. It too is native to the Asian Pacific area (Cambodia, Malayasia, Vietnam & Thailand), and it pretty popular over there right along side kratom.

The benefits are similar to kratom effects. Small doses produce an energetic mood boost, where as larger doses give a sedated mindset that helps many who suffer from insomnia. People consume the leaves, chewing on them like you would tobacco. However, it is commonly hold as dried, grounded up powder, similar to kratom.

Hirsuta vs Kratom

When it comes to the differences of Hirsuta and kratom, many consumers claim that Hirsuta is more like the red vein kratom, but a lesser version of it when it comes to the effects. Hirsuta is traditionally used for its calm, energizing effects and to relieve the discomfort of minor aches and pains. Larger doses may also bring on a feeling of sedation, which would put to sleep the average person. If anything, Hirsuta sounds a lot like Stem & Vein. However, consumers say effects-wise, Hirsuta is right in the middle of kratom and stem & vein.

The alkaloids in hirsuta are the typical active compounds that give the wellness product its effects. This tea contains an alkaloid called mitraphylline that binds to the same mu-opioid receptors in the brain that is also present in kratom. Another oxindole alkaloid in the tea has been discovered recently that is called isomitraphyllinol, although the effects of this alkaloid are not currently understood and require further study.

Another difference that is important to note is that Hirsuta is not considered dangerous and is generally legal to sell and possess in most countries/US states. However, the FDA has not approved this herb for medicinal use. As a result, the quality of the product sold may vary between vendors. I would encourage vendors to note that Hirsuta is for external use only to avoid any issues with the FDA at this time.

What are the benefits of Hirsuta?

Mitraphylline itself is the main alkaloid that holds the power to produce the best benefits of Hirsuta. Along with the effects mentioned above that it provides, it also is known to boost your metabolism and immune system, and help reduce stress.

Please note that no studies have been done to support these supposed benefits. The green light to further research kratom and its sisters are just now being underway thanks to the American Kratom Association.

How do you consume Hirsuta

Hirsuta is commonly sold as grounded up powder and dosing is done the same ways as one would dose with kratom powder, so check out the Best Ways to Dose to learn all the different kinds of commonly used methods.

A vendor I recommend buy/trying Hirsuta from is Tea Time Botanical. Learn more about them HERE (also find the coupon code there as well!), buy their Hirsuta directly HERE.

About the author

What began as a new journey for a young girl has become an established lifestyle for the business woman/owner, mother and wife that she is today. Shaunna became a “holistic influencer” in 2014. She created a persona called Kratom Girl to help support alternative medicine by creating #normalizekratom & #normalizealternativemedicine. Today she donates her time, money and resources to continue to help spread truth and knowledge about kratom, to further normalize it, especially amongst her fellow executives at her day job.

“Someday, we will be sipping kratom tea around the waterhole at work.” – Shaunna Kaufmann.

Learn more

Shaunna has written for numerous magazines and websites. She was also featured in High Times Magazine, Evie Magazine, CIRCA, and Medium. She owns a design business called Shaunna K, and works for the state of Oregon as a top executive. Her husband and her own a farmhouse in the Pacific Northwest, where they enjoy being as hermits with their three kids, a dog and asshole of a cat.


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